Five years ago at 6:05 p.m. Jason and I welcomed a 6 lb 15 oz 19 1/2 in long little girl into the world. She was to be due on August 2 but wasn't in any hurry to make her appearance.
It is incomprehensible to me that she turned 5 years old today, that she will be going off to kindergarten this year, and the realization that those years are forever in the past. I still remember when the doctor said...It's a girl! I just couldn't believe that I was the mother to a little girl. I also didn't realize just how much a mother loves... how hard and never could have understood the way that your heart would break when someone was mean to her.
This little girl has brought so many wonderful experiences into my life and continues to mystify me on a daily basis by the way that she loves me, her Daddy, and her Swee! She is an amazing little girl that I thank my Father in Heaven for on a daily basis because she made me a Mother for the first time!
I love this little girl more than she will ever know, until she is in my position sitting in front of some type of technology many years down the road reflecting on her own children.
Thanks Prissy for allowing me the privilege of being your mother, for it truly is a privilege to have you as my daughter!
How Sweet, Happy Birthday Emerson!!
Happy Birthday to Emerson! The time goes so fast! :(
I hope she had a great day!
She is darling in this little photo...she's darling all the time, but you know what I mean. :) What a nice little note for Prissy!
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