BSU Homecoming Parade and She's 5 months

This pretty pink princess was in the BSU homecoming parade this past weekend.  She got to ride on a float with her dance company but the best thing to her was getting to dance up and down the streets during the parade. 

The boys waited so patiently for the parade to begin.  They then loved trying to find Priss in the parade.  The fact that candy was being thrown in their direction didn't hurt a bit either.

Five months of a pure blessing is what you see here.  She loves life and all those who are in her world.  She lights up for her sister and brothers, is sometimes unsure about others but it completely a Momma's girl through and through.  Daddy has his special place in her heart too, especially when he is watching football and she gets to join him.  She is the only one who will sit still and watch it with him.  That has stolen his heart for sure.


valeri said...

when does em NOT love to dance?! and q is simply adorable. much better bow this time. love you!