731 Days

It is so crazy to think that Sawyer is that many days old (731). The past 2 years have completely flown by. He is such a little, mischievous, loving, rowdie little boy who has changed the dynamics of our family so much. He adores Emerson and loves to wrestle with Jason, and forever will be my little snuggler.

For his birthday we did our 2 year professional picture and then met up with my Mom, Emerson, Erica & her kids to go to the Indy Children's Museum. The kids loved the Curious George and the dinosaurs exhibits.

Once we got home we had our traditional brownie sundaes and sang Happy Birthday. Sawyer loved getting to blow out his candles and then Emerson gave him his present from her. She had picked out a backpack and some underwear. When we put the underwear on Sawyer thought that they felt a little weird, but a couple of moments later they were a little wet. He just looked around like what is everyone going to do now! I guess potty training is still a few days away!:)

Happy 2nd Birthday to my Sweet Teeny Man (SWEE)!


Stephanie said...

Wow Schmegs, I can't believe he's so big. We need to get together soon. Once the blizzard passes...what's your schedule lookin' like in the last week of March? You guys are welcome to come and stay the night even if you want, we have a spare room for you. Let me know what you think. I've been meaning to call you, but I keep getting sidetracked.