Priss's First Kindergarten Field Trip

Jason got volunteered to chaperon Priss's first kindergarten field trip to Stapp's Farm. It was an afternoon field trip and since Jason had taken the entire day off he went early to have lunch with Priss. He observed at lunch that she is the only girl at her table and when asked about it she simply stated this is where I always sit.

Priss got to ride a real school bus for the first time to and from Stapp's Farm. Jason said the field trip was a lot of fun but tons & tons of walking. I guess they had to walk all over the farm to see all the animals. He said an hour into the field trip Priss was done and was simply exhausted. Also one of the workers got agitated when the kids got excited to pet the camel and the camel got antsy and bit the worker's neck. Jason said the guy just quit being their tour guide and kept saying to the parents "I am not a babysitter". A little while later a parent made a comment about the grizzly bear's cage looking like prison and the grizzly bear handler got upset with the comment. He was completely offended that someone in the group would think that he would mistreat one of the grizzly bears.

Megan, Lexis, Priss

Watch out for the camel

Grizzly bear, Grizzly bear what do you see?

All in all Priss enjoyed getting to ride the bus, having her Daddy go on the field trip and having lunch with him at her school.


Stephanie said...

Good to hear Emerson had a good trip with the animals, it sounds like that joint has some uptight workers or something...maybe it was kid overload?