Four Years Already

Our Swee celebrated a birthday this weekend and loved being the center of attention. He really got into the idea of it being his birthday and having a party. We were able to have several very special people at our home to celebrate....Ggma and Ggpa came with Aunt Kathy, cousin Sarah, new cousin Grace, grandparents from both sides, Uncle Mike and Clinton. The kids loved having Grace and Clinton to play with and the weather cooperated so they could play outside.
As the days go by he is growing and maturing so much. Just this week he made Priss breakfast, asked to be excused from the table without being prompted and picked up sis's dirty clothes so that she was sure to get her bedtime story. It is moments like this when I see his sweet caring side that I am reminded why we called him Sweet Teeny (Swee). I love being his mom and can't imagine missing out on his gestures of pure love towards those in his family. He still is rotten but man can he ever be our Swee when he wants to be.

Happy 4th Birthday to our Sweet Teeny!


grandma connie said...

Bub, loved coming to your big 4th birthday. I love you more than words can say. See you soon. Honey

grandma connie said...

TS & ES, if only the whole world could laugh and have so much fun with one another like you 2. Love you tons. Honey