dance recital

after a little chaos everyone arrived at priss's dance recital.  for awhile ggpa was out of pocket but was found just in time to walk through the doors as she took the stage.  she simply lights up once she takes the stage.  the boys even stayed completely captivated for all 3 HOURS and 54 ACTS that made up the recital.  unlike her cousin, ains, who received a single rose priss had three bouquets but they were all left at home so she was irritated for another reason.  priss did say she liked the competition tap she did the year before but she doesn't want to have to take ballet so she will not be doing competitive dance here until she is older and can just do tap.  it is crazy to think she has already danced for 5 years but she loves dancing and creating her own choreography so i am sure we are just finishing our first 5 years to only add a few more groups of five in the years to come.


house of walls said...

wow, em! love that crazy outfit. you look great!