Naptime Story

Since we have had so many snow days here lately Priss was home a lot over the past two weeks. Each day both of the boys nap around the same time which meant that she had to do quiet time. This one particular day she asked very nicely if she could watch a movie instead of being in her room. She had to watch the movie in my room and that is where the Lil Man usually naps. We decided to have him nap in her room and her watch the movie in mine. I caught her reading him a story before his nap. It is moments like this that every parent should treasure. They are few and far between it seems at times.


grandma connie said...

Ah, everyone should have someone who loves them enough to read to them. I recall 3 little girls who used to read to me. Thank you for all the stories both read and written. Love Mom and Honey