Another Chapter is Finished

As of yesterday Jason has stepped down as Girls' Varsity Basketball coach. We have really felt that it was time that he was home with the family more. The kids really need to have him present and available more than he could be with all the time that coaching took. It was a sad moment when he sat down to write his letter of resignation because we have had so much fun going to all the games and the kids love being able to be a part of his team. However, with that said, when he told Priss last night she was excited! I would have bet you money that she would have sobbed but she amazed me when she was so happy. She said that she was excited to have him home more and was glad that now it gave him more time to spend with us.

We are hopeful that another NEW chapter in our book of life begins SOON! But when you realize you really aren't in complete control of our life you also realize that there is no telling how long it will be before it comes to pass. Until then we will be enjoying more family bike rides, walks and soccer games together.


Doctor Dave, Papaw 10x said...

What an unselfish accomplishment ! And Please Know I Support Totally every decision Our Children Have and Will Make. LOVE, Dad & _ _ _.

house of walls said...

yea, jason! maybe high school soccer is next?