a busy weekend was had by the slopsema family. here are a few of the highlights we enjoyed...
saw my baby sis, her hubby, and my youngest nephew
celebrated said nephew's first birthday...i was able to make the birthday cake...the Aunties recipe...he celebrated with one of the to die for creme filled chocolate cupcakes from Concannon's
our Priss finally lost a top upper tooth Saturday night at Honey's...she was so worried that the Tooth Fairy wouldn't come since she wasn't at home...good news she was found and 4 quarters were left
group shot before we had to leave to go back home since we had school and work the following day...my brother in law thought it was funny that he was the only grown man in the picture
I was busy doing laundry yesterday and was trying to keep Lil Man close by so I put him in a laundry basket. He thought it was pretty cool until I walked out of the room to place a load of clothes in the living room. Yesterday he turned 8 months...way to quickly! He now rolls wherever, scoots on his belly, continues to love food and yell if he isn't fed quick enough, sleeps through the night most nights, and has 2 bottom teeth. The second one can be felt but not really seen at the time of this posting. He continues to be smothered in kisses, has the softest cheeks ever, loves his Swee and Sis Girl, and is SO VERBAL! We love him and are so thankful that our family was blessed to have him be a part of it. We love you Ratchie Roo!
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