honey and john
Once again the month of May found us attending Priss's tap recital. She was great and really enjoyed her third year of tap. Each year the outfit gets cuter! We reused the hair piece purchased her first year this year and it made doing her hair so much simpler. I would recommend them to anyone. Anyways, many family members took time from their busy schedules to come and see her tap, and it meant a lot to her. We did miss many family members that due to many different reasons were unable to be here this year. Missed you! I really can't wait to see what next fall holds - tap & jazz or tap & hip hop! Who knows what she will end up deciding to do...we are considering a competitive tap dance class but we still have a couple of months before we have to have a decision made.
our first missed recital! em looks great. we will be having our first show in june and we can't wait!
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