pictures of the new house before renovations

Priss's room - it is the largest of all the bedroom because of her "secret room"

kids bathroom - gotta love the double vanity, we sure do

Lil Man's room

Swee's room - we will be painting a different color than Bearcat purple soon!

game room with adjacent full kitchen/man cave


master bedroom - wallpaper will be removed soon

first floor 1/2 bath

dining room

the library

i forgot to take a picture of the tv room - it has french door that both open with glass inserts in the door and on either side. i also accidently deleted the game room picture so just imagine a 13 in tv sitting on a child's table since he don't have furniture for that room yet.


house of walls said...

looks great. i am loving the sweet patterned carpet! you gotta leave it.

Stephanie said...

Sorry about Little Man! Hope you are all feeling good now and hopefully the flu didn't make its way to you or Jason. :) Looks like you picked a winner with the house! Wish I was closer to visit you! Love you and miss you girl!!