
I can almost undress myself

The other morning I walked into Sawyer's room to find him like this. He had begun to undress his self but had gotten stuck with his shirt over his shoulders. I will take this any day over what Cooper used to do at Scooney's age. Cooper used to take his diapers off when they were LOADED! Give me the kid who gets his clothes stuck in odd positions. Life is never dull with Sawyer around. Today for instance, he was out of my sight for maybe 5 minutes and when I go to find him...he is pouring water all over the bathroom floor. He had managed to get up on the toilet, turned the faucet on and was filling up one of the bath cups and dumping it all over the floor. Even after he got his hand swatted, he went right back in to do it again. It is good that he is adorable or else he might be listed on Ebay with a starting bid of a quarter. I love you teeny man and am glad that you are mine!


grandma connie said...

Loved the act. Bet he gets it honestly. Only kidding. Love to the family. Honey