He Came, He Really Came!

Emerson came bounding into our room at about 3 a.m. and all I could think was I am not ready for this early of a morning to begin. Thankfully all she wanted to do was snuggle with us. At 7:30 she awoke from a dead sleep proclaiming, "I think Santa came, let's go see!" We allowed her to go and look but Santa had been crafty and all her presents from him were wrapped. She was able to open her stocking and brought Jason and I ours so that we could open them.

Emerson took a couple of items from her stocking to her room and came back telling us she heard Sawyer talking. I investigated and yes, he was up. As soon as Sawyer's feet hit the ground he headed out to the living room to find that Santa had left him a new trike. We could barely get him off of it long enough to open his other presents. Emerson received her highly requested pirate ship. Thanks Santa life would have halted had she not received that one gift, once again the big man came through!

Jason received a much requested book and a movie he liked. I received my first Purdue sweatshirt and some new shoes.

Christmas was wonderful and it could have only been better had I been able to see my 2 beautiful sisters upon arriving at Mom's later on Christmas Day. The kids did receive one more surprise present that Aunt Valeri and Uncle Morgan had sent to Honey's house. They both received a new book! Thanks Weed and Morgan!