One Gone, Many More to Go

I made a promise to Priss that before she returned to school today that her loose tooth would be gone. Well, last night after bathtime I remembered my promise and reminded Priss. She allowed me to press on the tooth for a couple of minutes before she decided that she wanted to do it herself. She went into the bathroom and began fiddling with it. Blood began flowing but she continued on with trying to remove it. After a couple of twists this is what we had....

She was so excited that she ran out to the living room to show Swee and Jason. Thankfully she was agreeable to me taking several pictures of her mouth.

Priss, Daddy and I can't believe how old you seem now! Our little Prissy Girl is getting so big but is still our little Priss!


Doctor Dave, Papaw 10x said...

The tooth fairy is gonna adore Priss ! Because I already told her about Priss !

Stephanie said...

Congratulations on losing a tooth Emerson! I hope you got lots of money from the tooth fairy! :)