3:40 a.m.

The time that Priss woke her Uncle B up Christmas morning. I knew the year would come that we would be up before our bodies were intended to get up and this just so happened to be that year. Brian did manage to keep her at bay until 20 til 5 but still way too early. She was allowed to go ahead and open her stocking while B and I watched. Not too long after she finished Swee peeked his head out and came running to see if Santa had there. He too was very excited! Jason's parents said that he had woke them up wanting to look out the window for Santa. By 7 a.m. we were finished opening gifts except for Lil Man who slept until 8:15 a.m. We just took a moment to imagine if he was our only child we would have gotten to sleep until then. Oh well, sleep is overrated!