
Have you ever had a day where it boils down to just pure craziness? Well, today was mine. Swee and I trucked off the 1 1/2 hours to my doctor's appointment after dropping Priss off at school. All went fine except that he managed to wear the banana he was snacking big deal I had an extra outfit. The appointment went fine. Following the appointment we headed back to pick Priss up from school. Swee fell asleep which was great, however, when he woke up he informed me that his seat was all wet. Yes, his bladder let go while he was sleeping. As we sat in the parking lot of Priss's school I stripped his car seat, had him climb into the front seat so that I could change him and tried to field a phone call. As I was on the phone he informed me that he had to potty. We are in a parking lot surrounded by people sitting in their cars waiting to pick their children up. I quickly reach for a storage container that is in the diaper bad and he stands in the front seat using the container as a toilet. Now I ask you what do you do with the contents of said container? I simply dumped it out in the parking lot adjacent to the soccer field once Priss was in the car. I don't know if I should be embarrassed or proud of my ingenuity! Thankfully at this time the craziness seems to be taking a hiatus.


Unknown said...

I think it was a brilliant idea with little other options. Besides your brain goes on break when you are pregnant.